Waikato Lawyers
Respect is something that can only be earned, and in our 143 year history, we hope we’ve well and truly achieved that.
We’re renowned for excellence, our attention to detail, and our priority on hiring the very best people. But our focus on client relationships is what really sets us apart – real people, real care, real results.
How can we help you today?
Our difference is in relationship
Our latest thinking
Summer Clerk Experiences
Harkness Henry recently welcomed another outstanding Clerks to our 2024/2025 Summer Clerk programme. Nicole Cutler, based in our Hamilton office worked in a variety of practice areas primary being employment.
Handling Digital Assets in Your Will
With the rise of digital assets in the 21st century, have you considered how your intangible assets are dealt with after your death?
New bill to allow public holiday alcohol sales
The Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Sales on Anzac Day Morning, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Christmas Day) Amendment Bill (introduced by Labour MP, Kieran McAnulty) has been drawn from the ballot. The Bill seeks to repeal rules that limit the sale of alcohol on public holidays.